Sunday, March 25, 2007

Wheels for young and old

I suppose that when you have both an aging parent and a just-walking toddler, the idea of owning a double-buggy starts looking attractive even if you don't have a second child.

But even though her legs tire easily and she needs to rest every 100 metres or so, my mum is far too proud to try a walking frame - she has only accepted the advantages of using a walking stick in the last year or so.

However, her current spell in hospital has made it clear that, at least while she's rendered weak from a combination of an infection and it's affect on her various other ailments, a walking frame is a pretty handy mobility aid.

It also makes for a fab toy. TLM's daily visits to her Poh Poh had stopped being a novelty (especially when I wouldn't let her play with the power points and the monitoring equipment), but since yesterday this grown-ups version of a walking trolley has been her favourite plaything. One time she even grabbed it right off my mum, leaving her standing in the middle of the lift foyer, and pushed it around the waxed floors until it was needed for a trip to the loo.


Unknown said...

the idea of you pushing your mum and TLM in a double buggy made me giggle!

flying kiwi said...

Just noticing your categories - surely "All About the Little Madam" is going to win. And what the Editter said.

LK said...

I was giggling at the thought of TLM taking the frame off your mum. Just imagine if she saw another person use one at the mall? It all shows a very independent spirit which is a very good thing.

Violet said...

the editter: it would make going up the hill to my house a bit of a gutbuster, but I probably shouldn't shy away from opportunities for a workout, should I?

flying kiwi: you're probably right there - and there are bugger all Buffy posts too. Oh, and welcome back to my blog!

leo: I never thought of that (the possibility of her stealing strangers' walking frames - although now that she's developing separation anxiety, it might not happen for a while...

Avery's mom said...

avery took her first independant steps using MIL's walker when she was about 10 months old. very helpful for the young and old

and a word of advice if you get the double buggy, get one that's side by side. the inline ones are impossible to push and taking turns you need about 4meters

Violet said...

avery's mom: I was of course joking about getting a double buggy, because I'd have to get one with a baby seat and an aged parent seat...