Monday, March 26, 2007

The limpet - with more suction than a super-sucky vacuum cleaner

I've been reading up on separation anxiety in toddlers, on the 'Net, and still can't decide whether we should persist with trying to get her settled into daycare, or whether to pull her out of there until it passes (apparently it usually disappears around age 3, which gives me another 17 months to wait through).

On one discussion board, someone suggested that those heartrending (not to mention earsplitting) screams are less likely to happen if the dad drops the little limpet at daycare, because supposedly they are better at hiding their own anxiety about the situation (or maybe they aren't anxious about it in the first place). So, if tomorrow morning goes as badly as last Friday morning did (the daycare rang me less than half an hour later and asked me to come back), the boy has agreed to try the next drop-off.

Tonight, TLM didn't even want to have bathtime with her daddy - she clung to my legs and wailed through most of his singing- and got upset when I put her down in her cot at bedtime and left the room. That can't be good.


Avery's mom said...

hope today's drop off went easier for everyone. sometimes i wonder if i'm just blind to my daughter's fear because i've got her lil' brothers screams for distraction. its tough with two

Kazzer said...

Wow - I didn't realise kids were so complicated. Perhaps you just need some earplugs?

LK said...

I had this with Little Miss 8 when she was about 1-1.5 at the gym creche. I would just start warming up and they would call me back to get her because she wouldn't settle. It started when she was sick and teething and so she was completely out of sorts and I guess that they really want all their creature comforts (mummy being the best one of all) when they don't feel 100%. Damn frustrating though as I lost my momentum at the gym. Perhaps check her teeth and leave some bonjela and bribes with the ladies at daycare?

Jon said...

Hmm, sometimes I don't know how to resond to all the 'mom' posts.... none of these things strike me as unusual, though. And um, hi and stuff

Violet said...

averys's mom: I can imagine it would be, which is why (for the time being anyway) I'm not going to have a second child.

kazzer: it's funny, because when she used to cry at night instead of sleeping (what am I talking about - she still does that!) I forced myself to listen to it, as though I needed to hear the hurt.

leo: well in our case it probably didn't help when TLM got sick so early into her settling in period. So it's probably not going to help when she gets that 30% increase in illnesses due to being in daycare...

jon: yeah I know - I wish I could post about attending fabulous clubs and restaurants but that just ain't happening these days! It's nice that you still check out the blog though, even though the subject matter is relatively foreign to you :-)