Friday, March 16, 2007

It's so quiet

The Little Madam is at daycare this morning, no doubt dousing herself with water and painting her hands, and I'm at home checking out blogs.

Unaccustomed as I am to having "me" time during daylight hours except when TLM is having her nap, when I went to the bathroom I found myself tip-toeing around her bedroom.

Old habits...


Avery's mom said...

nice to have a bit of "me" time. strange to get used to it, these little ones grow so quickly its not much longer before she's off to school. I looked at avery today and was just did she learn everything she suddenly knows now?

(little spounge)

Angela said...

It is great you had you time. We all need it.

Violet said...

Avery's mom: yeah that's so true. This morning TLM looked at our Solar System jigsaw puzzle and identified Saturn, Jupiter, Earth and Venus!!

angela: we sure do. I should be able to have 6 hours per week just for myself eh? Without having to feel like I'm doing something "productive" with it, I mean...