Thursday, May 20, 2004

Having a 'senior' moment

My friends and I used to joke about having 'blonde' moments, but perhaps it's a little more appropriate now to be joking about having 'senior' moments. At my age, even natural blondes would have darkened to dirty blonde.

This morning I arrived, with the library bus, at the first stop. It's a long stop, from 9.30am till 10.40am. As soon as the door opened, I was inundated with a class full of young kids (plus a few brave adults). Once they'd left, I had a quick look at the time (it was 9.45), then a look at the timetable, to check how long I had there. I saw 10.40am, yet for some reason my brain told me the bus had to leave at 9.40am. Silly me rushed all the loose returned books onto empty shelves and the bus roared into action. I'd gone several blocks before my brain actually started working and told me that that had been a suspiciously short stop.

So it's true what I read somewhere about how we process the information we read. Apparently, when we read something we believe it and then analyse it. And the faster we take in information, the worse it is. I must slow down my reading.

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