Monday, May 24, 2004

Boring movies

We watched the second Charlie's Angels vid last night. I thought the first one was dumb. But for the sequal I decided to approach it as a silly movie. I'd been talking to one of my classmates about film reviewing according to genre, and Charlie's Angels should be viewed as a silly movie rather than an intelligent one.

Unfortunately, this didn't help me to enjoy the movie any more than before. It was obviously supposed to be over-the-top and tongue-in-cheek, but I thought it went too far. The Angels were like a trio of Lara Crofts - they were two dimensional and you didn't have to care who won the fights because you knew that they weren't going to die (or even get their hair mussed).

The second movie we got from the video shop is more promising; it's a documentary on David Lynch.

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