Thursday, August 03, 2006

Balls (sweating the small stuff) *

My sister-out-law, fantabulous mother to two gorgeous but allergy-prone kids, passed on a suggestion for finger food - balls.

That is, meatballs, riceballs and any other foods suitable for a nearly-12-month-old, shaped into balls.

And The Little Madam likes 'em.

Surely a trivial piece of information compared to stuff like the war between Israel and Hezbollah, or the high possibility that our electricity bill for the rest of the winter will top four hundred smackaroos per month.

Yet the success of the balls has been instrumental in transforming me - albeit temporarily - into a picture of optimism and serenity.

* Apologies for any mental images of sweaty testicles which this heading may have induced ;-)


Unknown said...

HezBALLah. Electricity BALL.

It's like my Brussel Sprout mash (whizzed with olive oil and black pepper). Well it's the opposite - deconstructing balls.

Jon said...

Mmm, sweaty balls. Yum.

Violet said...


Rainypete said...

What great idea! I've got to try that with my ever pickier daughter!

Watson Woodworth said...

As my aunt Carla used to say when the subject of my pre-sobriety mother and her love of the dessert called bourbon balls came up, the country cousin to rum balls, "'Balls balls!' said the Queen. 'If I had two I'd be the King'".

Violet said...

rainypete and beth: beats me why they like balls but not patties though...

nigel:I don't like rum balls - proof that this love affair with spherical food doesn't last forever.