Thursday, April 10, 2008

I jumped with joy...

Today TLM managed to poo in her potty twice, and did not poo anywhere inappropriate all day. She was rewarded with a bowl of ice cream each time. Normally, if the desired poo-thang happens, then it seems to be just a coincidence. This afternoon was the first time that she announced her impending poo and willingly deposited it in the right place.

While there is every likelihood of her backtracking once her routine becomes disrupted (i.e. with the changes in childcare arrangements), this is a major toilet-training milestone for me.


Julie said...

Wohoo! Well done that Mum! And of course well done to TLM herself :-)

Sadly Wriggly managed to both poo and sick on me today, oh and wet the cot linen. Is there some trick to nappies that I am not getting, because no matter which ones I get he seems to find a way to project his by-products through them...

Violet said...

hi julie - I've always found Huggies pretty good. As a rule of thumb, if TLM's nappies kept leaking on her, then it must be a sign that it's time to move onto the next size up. Good luck!

Angela said...

I am going with the theory it will happen when it happens.