Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pre-Christmas in the Antipodes

TLM has discovered the giddy excitement that is the bouncy castle. She'd never been interested before, but today was different; all that bouncing around in the company of seasoned bouncy castlers made her cackle like a chicken. I don't think she's had so much fun since Monday, when she turned the hose on her cousins (and with surprising accuracy too).

She is loving Christmas. The trees hung with flashing lights, glittering balls and miniature presents, are everywhere and she's drawn to them like a non-food alternative to ice cream. Apparently their origin lies in Scandinavian mythology, in which human sacrifices were at the base of some sacred tree. I think I prefer angels, stars and fairies. TLM knows who Santa is, though I suspect that she'd baulk at the idea of sitting on his lap - lolly or no lolly.

There's been progress in the beach front. Until last weekend, TLM refused to walk barefoot in the sand. But now she has felt the grainy stuff between her toes and learning to boogie board is surely not far off in the future.


nigel paddell said...

Ah the beach!
How do your Santas survive the outfit in the middle of Summer?

Violet said...

nige: I don't know, but I'm guessing those Santas go commando...

nigel paddell said...

Oh dear!

Angela said...

Don’t tell any strange women that Santa goes commando because one woman has already been arrested for feeling Santa up.

Violet said...

nige: okay, maybe they don't. I wouldn't want to put you off applying for any Santa jobs!

angela: she must've been drunk or desperate or into chubby sex...