Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The fear, the tiredness and the sleep deprivation (and that's just the first trimester)

Thanks to everyone who left me nice messages about my impending motherhood. Such positive feedback only encourages me to go into the gory details (so if you're bored by what follows then you only have yourselves to blame)...

I'm due in early August, which means that if I gamely work through until the baby is ready to pop out then I'll just qualify for the state-paid maternity leave (hooray). It'll be a Rooster; perhaps mini-me will grow up to run a restaurant.

The worse things so far have been:
1. Eating uncontrollably - one week it was a box of chocolates, the next it was several days' worth of leftover Christmas turkey. This, combined with an appropriately toned-down gym programme, has meant that I am already too fat for most of my trousers and skirts.
2. Frequently feeling over-heated, dehydrated and way too mentally busy to sleep at night.
3. The first scan. I was warned about the discomfort of having to arrive at the clinic with a full bladder, but I didn't realise it would feel like a white folks' equivalent of ancient Chinese water-torture (which is probably a Japanese invention - the Cantonese would simply nag you to death). I will never forget the severe pressure which my pelvic floor muscles were under, while the clinician pressed the scan-thing into my just-about-ready-to-burst bladder. My bladder still has not forgiven me.

Also, it's meant that I won't be enrolling in any library studies courses this year. I'm going to have enough to worry about. So, at least for a while, this is not going to be the blog of a librarian-in-training, but rather the blog of a lady-in-waiting.

I'm excited and happy. But I still find those full-frontal birth pictures more than a little scary.


Amanda said...

I actually found the first trimester the worst. I seem to remember it getting easier in the second trimester. The results of the first scan were a relief, my morning (ha ha all day and all night) sickness gradually wore off, the tiredness eased off, and I started to look pregnant rather than overweight which I found psychologically easier to handle.

Violet said...

Well that's a relief. At the moment I definitely look chubby rather than pregnant. I keep seeing chubby women with large stomachs and wondering if that's what I'm in for...

Violet said...

Jon: not to mention the invention of computer games, creating a generation or two (so far) of gaming widows.