Wednesday, November 17, 2004

He's so lovely...

The boy left for New York this afternoon. We talked briefly on the phone at midday, but I won't hear from him again probably until tomorrow sometime. What a pleasant surprise to find, on coming home, that he had already put out the rubbish and recycling before he left. He's so lovely (sigh).

Meanwhile, The Little Shit Incident continues to haunt me as my manager asks whether it's okay for him to bring it up at the Council-wide meeting tomorrow. Apparently this kind of thing has never happened here before (though it's a different story at the Winz offices where the benefits get handed out - or not). My manager wants to be sure to confirm what one is supposed to do in such a situation. For example, if I had retaliated by throwing a heavy book in The Little Shit's face, would I have gotten into trouble? How much force is an employee allowed to use to protect herself when threatened by violence, or attacked? How does one call on the Library Avenger for help - by taping an "A" to one's window at night?


Amanda said...

You could always RUN the little shit over with the mobile library. No jury would convict you... or at least If I were on the jury I'd certainly view it as an understandable response.

Violet said...

YOU wouldn't convict me, but many more liberal-minded bleeding-heart softies, who've never been punched in the face by a little shit, would...

But I've asked permission to bring a weapon with me on Friday and the manager gave me his blessing.