Thursday, September 23, 2004

Disgruntlement in the ranks

In a bid to dig up dirt about the place where I work, I've been eager to listen to the whines of my co-workers. Rather than try to figure out what's going right with the teams in the Library, it'd be far easier to pick up on what's going wrong. It seems though, that I've scratched the surface of a large and pustular wound, because I'm finding an awful lot more dissatisfaction around the place than has been obvious to me. I suppose I'm been so self-absorbed that I just haven't noticed that one of the professional staff is no longer sure what her role is, and that relations between a certain other high-up staff member and the IT department is less than blissful. Fortunately my assignment isn't just about finding where the nasty germies are; I also have to work out how to make it all better again. Well, fortunate because I'll get a chance to think about positive things but not so fortunate because I know it's not going to be easy.

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