Tuesday, September 07, 2004

All in an hour's work

In the last hour at the Information Desk, I have:

1. rejected the offer of French-language psychology books from a
gypsy homeless guy called Adolphe

2. Found a history of the French in New Zealand, but not a history
of gypsies, for the same gypsy homeless guy

3. Listened to an irate patron tell me that she definitely returned
those books, absolutely, she can even remember the time of day when she did it

4. Found three classic novels for a teen who referred to them as 'classical'

5. Helped that little old lady on the Internet, the one who keeps trying to
use her Paradise login to log in to Hotmail

6. Fixed a computer's funny error messages by removing a library patron's disk
from the drive before restarting it

7. Miraculously fixed that sodding Library web page which was mysteriously publishing in a different colour, a different font, and with different spacing (WYSIWYG my foot!).

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