Saturday, July 24, 2004

fear of fainting

These things make me faint:

1. drinking alcohol. 
I no longer drink because it makes me wheeze.  Sometimes when I've had only one or two drinks, I'd go all light-headed and then fall over in inappropriate places.  It might happen in the pub, which is embarrassing; it might happen at home in the kitchen, in front of the bench top so that I hit my head on the edge as I descend, which is worse. 

2. really hot baths.
Okay, I've never actually fainted in the bath tub.  But I have gotten really dizzy.

3. too-intense exercise, too soon after I've eaten.
This morning, I had a bit of toast and set off for the gym soon after.  My new work-out programme focuses on cardio work, by including a fair bit of interval training i.e. alternating cruisy intervals with all-out sprint intervals.  After a mere five minutes of doing this on the bike, I was light-headed and had to stop several times during the next exercise in case I fell over someone doing sit-ups.

4. drinking alcohol after a big meal.
The difference between this and 1. is that people normally eat before going drinking because it stops them from getting drunk too quickly.  I think when I have a big meal all the blood rushes to my gut, leaving very little resource to deal with any B52's which follow.

I've never tried wearing a really tight corset, but I'll bet that would be number 5.

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