Monday, July 05, 2004

behemoth in the rain

First day back from my holiday, I was scheduled to take the library bus out to the 'burbs for an evening visit. What made this a mildly daunting prospect were:

1. until tonight I had never ever driven a bus in the dark
2. I had only ever been to this place once before, two weeks ago, and in broad daylight
3. it's been two whole weeks since I even thought about driving a bus
4. at the time I take the bus out, it's rush hour and I'd have to cross lots of heavy traffic
5. it was raining heavily
6. my experience of driving the bus on the motorway, at motorway speeds, was limited

But I did it though. My fellow library-worker who accompanied me on the bus wasn't familiar with this spot before either, but we narrowly avoided taking a completely wrong turn which would probably have resulted in plentiful cussing in the dark. Crossing the heavy traffic didn't mean quite as long a wait as I'd anticipated, because I crossed over at the slightest hint of a gap - but this probably only works when I'm driving a bus and the traffic I'm fighting consists of cars.

So that's another scary thing I've conquered. Whew.


DaisyBoo Blacksheep said...

Hey... sounds like you had a good holiday! Welcome back (to NZ that is) and congratulations with the bus driving! :D

Violet said...

Hey thanks! What on earth are you doing in Germany though?