Friday, July 16, 2004

Birthday wishes

The other day, my boy asked me what I would like for my birthday.  It's not for another three months, but it's a 'big' birthday and he wanted to give me time to think of something.  I've decided to do a list of things I might possibly ask for:
  1. a car stereo
  2. an engagement ring (ha!)
  3. The Return of the King on DVD, extended version (which may be released by then) - however he will probably buy it anyway.
  4. a clothes shopping spree
  5. a party - one which I don't have to do any work towards the organising of
  6. a flatscreen monitor
  7. a flash weekend away during which I can leave my credit card at home
  8. a subscription to the Journal of Popular Media (I think that's what it's called.  There are lots of articles on Buffy in them).

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