Monday, October 06, 2008

Cyberwomen, mind-reading and "nobbing fellas to death"

You could say that I turned a corner on Saturday. On that day, I started being able to breathe through my nose again, sometimes. On that day, the feeling that the back of my nostrils were harbouring slimy pipe-cleaners, started to go away. I could watch a DVD and actually concentrate on what was happening.

We've been enjoying Torchwood lately. At about 5 episodes in from the beginning, I feel that the characters are still not particularly well-drawn. Gorgeous Gwen, obviously, is the most developed, but that's to be expected since we're seeing the show from her point of view. But Tosh, the IT guru with the Japanese heritage, is a disappointingly boring woman so far. She's not endearingly geeky, nor even quirky - just lonely. It might take a few more episodes before I know them enough to like them. The stories are quite good though, even though one or two of the plotlines look like homages to episodes from Buffy or Angel.

It's also a whole lot more fun than Terminator: the Sarah Connor Files.


Amanda said...

I gave up on Sarah Connor pretty quickly. I thought mother and son were too close in age. Something felt off anyway and Summer Glau seems to be well and truly type cast.

I couldn't get into Torchwood. I felt like there was too much sex & all of it totally unerotic. But maybe that just me!

nigel paddell said...

And there's the whole Martha Jones obsession the Doctor Who writers seem to have.
(Could be they just like doctors)

Kazzer said...

The first series wasn't all that brilliant. The second one makes up for it. I could watch anything with John Barrowman in it. He's on almost everything over here!

Anonymous said...

Oh I loved Terminator!! Although true to useless channel 9 business they kept on changing the night it was on, so eventually I gave up and didn't watch the remainder of the series...

Glad you're feeling better. It's been a long long time. I hope your nose isn't too raw!

Violet said...

mtnw: I thought the show lacked humour, for a start. Though I agree with you on Summer Glau. There's a lot of sex on Torchwood, eh? But I don't find it as offputting as I'd expected.

nigel: There's a whole Jones obsession if you ask me. The other Jones was Harriet, the prime minister who was all tangled up with a previous incarnation of Torchwood. And the fact that this series is based in Cardiff.

kazzer: yeah he's pretty tasty isn't he? But his character is kinda tragic, but without Dr Who's charm.

donnasoowho: I hate it when networks stuff us up with telly timings. TV3 stopped screening Angel right after Connor put him in the bottom of the ocean, so unless we bought the DVDs we'd never have found out what happened to him in the end...