Thursday, June 02, 2005

Another quiz

It's only because I'm having blogger's block, but at least I've gotten some interesting answers...


??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by Quizilla


Kazzer said...

Gee, Violet, I wish I hadn't done that - mine was black: "Death of the soul, your heart stopped beating long time ago, you seek loneliness, you live for yourself." And I htought I was quite a jolly chap!

Jon said...

I'm blue.

These quizzes are making me feel like a lesbian with hairy arm pits. Maybe I'll go put on the Enya- wait, I kind of like Enya- and I don't own any Indigo Girls albums.


flying kiwi said...

That was worth it for the picture - I'm green. And it says I'm a rarity, that's good, isn't it?

Geekery said...


And wow, I didn;t know death was so sexy!

Happy and Blue 2 said...

Also blue. But what else could it be..

glomgold said...

My Death is apparently Dark Crimson. And I would the describe the gender as indeterminate.

Ali-Belly said...

I was Black, too... I know I'm a bit broody, but after doing these quizzes, I'm a bit concerned I have pessimistically sociopathic tendencies... lol.

Violet said...

kazzer: I'm surprised you're black. Maybe your finger slipped on one of those answers. Or is your jolly personality just a mask, hmmm?

eb: yeah I like the picture too. Plus green is a fave colour for me.

jon: maybe there's some kind of affinity btwn lesbians with hairy armpits and gay men with excellent dress sense. Although it'd have to be tenuous...

flying kiwi: well you ARE rare!

onscreen: if death wasn't sexy then vampires wouldn't be so glamorous.

happyandblue2: but are you really, really blue? Does it make you feel like a lesbian with hairy armpits?

glomgold: dark crimson is a great colour. What was the personality type like, apart from gender-non-specific?

wicked: it's probably nothing a bit of alcohol or drugs can't fix. Only believe the quizzes that tell you what you want to hear. That's what I do.

Unknown said...

My colour was white. I think it had to do with my response that Justice was truely impossible. the photos reminded me of the vampire 'masquerade' role playing game i use to play

Rainypete said...

Aparently my death is tartan.....I'm so confused right now.

Violet said...

Hazel: the picture is so gothic, and so is the profile.

rainypete: there IS no tartan death. Or are you all of the colours?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I couldn't decide on some of the answers, so tried it three times to make sure - black, then green, then black...quite scary really...might explain my wardrobe - for readers that don't know me, no, I'm NOT a goth, but I HAVE been mistaken for staff in shops/restaurants...


Violet said...

Desiree, it's probably because you always look as though you know where everything is and what's on special!

glomgold said...

I'm sorry, I can't remember now what the personality-type was like.