Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Sweets for the sweet

Hooray, I can eat cakes without guilt!

I was right about no news being good news, because today the midwife confirmed that I'm not going to get gestational diabetes. This would be cause for a celebrational muffin, custard square or super-sized ice cream, but she also told me it would be a good idea to lay off the sweeties anyway. So, while I will be allowing myself an occasional treat...like, maybe a couple of times a week, I can't actually indulge to the fullest, pregnancy cravings for sugar being insufficient excuse.

I told her about the really uncomfortable soreness in my pelvis whenever I'm not lying in bed, floating in a swimming pool or sitting on the couch - the soreness that slows me right down in my tracks and makes me think twice before walking too far away from the nearest toilet. She nodded her head as though to assure me that it's quite normal and there's nothing to do about it unless it gets unbearable - then it's a referal to a physiotherapist and a prescription for a tight belly belt. I thought I'd just try and hang on to see whether it gets any worse.

The boy came home with gifts from the Orient - that is, cheap DVDs from Indonesia. In addition to his own choice of Star Wars movies and movies-based-on-graphic-novels, were Meet the Parents, Meet the Fockers and Dodgeball (a veritable Ben Stiller festival).

And now, back to the bank statement shredding


flying kiwi said...

Yay for the sweets and dvds. Enjoy it all. I don't like the sound of the pelvic pain though - you poor thing.

Frally said...

Oh, the excruciating pelvic pain! I remember it well. Don't know if you're planning to have more kids down the line but a word of warning, the pelvic pain gets MUCH worse with subsequent pregnancies.

darth said...

great news, violet!

(uh..the diabetes test thing, not the pelvic thing :p )

Happy and Blue 2 said...

Glad you are cleared for sweets.
Take care of yourself. Float in a pool or something..

Anonymous said...

Well that's great news about the diabetes, but I'm still slapping your hand if you go for the cream-filled donuts again...and the danishes...and the whole 2-litre ice cream tub...


Kathryn said...

cakes and movies... your life rocks

Violet said...

flying kiwi: the midwife assured me it goes away after the birth (!)

frally: I wasn't planning to, but you may have put me off with that bit of info. Surely pregnancy-related things should get BETTER with subsequent pregnancies.

darth, happyandblue2 and eb: thanks guys. from now on, more swimming and less housework.

desiree: well I'm giving up ice cream...'cos it's too cold for it...

kathrynoh: yeah it does. I know I grumble about the less great stuff, but really I have little to complain about.

glomgold said...

Congrats on being able to eat sweets again! And also for the bootleg DVDs. Too many hits-to-the-crotch shots in Dodgeball to count.

Violet said...

glomgold: I just love the bit where the German team do their ra-ra thing and shout 'Hasselhof!'