Sunday, September 23, 2007

Is this how it starts?

The word "no" has become one of TLM's favourite words (the other being "mine"). It can get really confusing sometimes - I'll ask her whether she wants to have noodles, she'll say "no", then get upset when I put the noodles back in the fridge.

So tonight when she's alternately banging her fork against her bowl and trying to prong a piece of pear, I ask whether she's done eating.


But I take her food away anyhow, because I know better.

"I know you said no", I tell her, "but you really mean yes".

Sound familiar, hmmm?


Kazzer said...

It took JJ ages to learn yes and then it came out as 'yeah'. Life's complicated when you're 2.

Angela said...

Gregory is starting to tell the difference between no and yes. It took him quite a while though

Violet said...

TLM really does know how to say "yes". If she's offered ice cream, then she makes herself very clear indeed. She just seems to like the sound of the word "no".

Determinist said...

She's female though, and they never ACTUALLY say what they mean. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Humph, Him Indoors claims that I do the same thing...but I'm sure it's just a phase he's going through! ;-)

Violet said...

determinist: I bet your missus wouldn't like you saying that ;-)

desiree: I just thought it was a bit creepy that I'd say it, and then immediately remember that it's been used as a defense against rape for years and years...