Thursday, April 19, 2007

Grocery revelations

While I wondered around the supermarket with two packets of incontinence pads in my basket (they weren't for me, and anyone who implies otherwise will get one of my withering looks), I wondered what people would assume if they saw me with those items.

Do people still check each other out at supermarkets? 'Cos I bet they'd check out what's in other people's shopping baskets, for indications of desirability.

If I were a single woman looking for love in the aisles, would I be turned off if the handsome man in up ahead picked up a six-pack of pre-made meat pies to go with his ready-made pizzas? Would I have been more willing to smile flirtatiously at him if I'd seen him loading up with gourmet delicacies instead? Or would that mean he's probably gay?

I think I'd feel more confident reading someone's bookshelf.


Scholiast said...

How weird is that? A friend just wrote about the exact same thing on her blog...
Anyways, if you make it to see someone's bookshelves you're already past that first fleeting smile, aren't you? ;) (Seriously, though, I agree with your other post, books and music speak volumes of people!)

Anonymous said...

Bananas - I always look at the way people place bananas in their trolley - I blame it on the notion that floated around a number of years ago that Tuesdays was "singles" night at the Chaffers St New World in Welly, and if your bananas pointed up you were never worked but now the idea has stuck.

Ms Mac said...

Surely a single woman who saw a handsome man picking up meat pies and frozen pizzas would see an opportunity to serve said handsome man a delicious home-cooked meal?

God, but it's been a long, long time since I was single. Doesn't stop me from looking handsome men in the supermarket though! ;-)

Watson Woodworth said...

I prefer to flirt at the laundry.
You get to see if she's washing men's clothes or kid's clothes.
You can tell a lot from a person's wash.

Daddy L said...

I wonder what people think of me at the Supermarket, and my weekly purchase of tube socks, enema kit, kidney beans, whiskey, radicchio and porno magazine.

"Whatever he planned for tonight, count me out!"

No wonder no one talks to me when I shop.

Angela said...

It is a new dating game. You choose your date by the food in their basket.

Determinist said...

What people find attractive is highly evolutionary, but each person maps slightly differently due to their own history.

Still - is this person healthy and has good genes and would be a good mother/father to my children.

We might not think of it, but we certainly have it hard wired in our heads.

So, does meat pies and fast pizzas have anything to do with his ability to father? It certainly says if he is taking care of himself.

Whether you find someone attractive or not doesn't have anything to do with their gayness - there are lots of very sexy gay people.

Violet said...

scholiast: I just read your friend's post - thank the gods nothing like that has happened to me!

desiree: ah yeah, the old banana placement theory. The question is whether it makes a difference if they've got normal-sized bananas or those little dobby ones ;-)

ms mac: You've got a good point there. Also, if he can pack away fatty food like that and still look good then his genes must be superior...

nigel: that sounds like an excellent idea for another blog post! Except we have our own washer and dryer.

daddy l: you're joking, right? Cos, y'know, enemas are bad for you.

angela: I'm sure there's an art to it though.

determinist: I'm sure there are lots of very sexy gay people. but if I were a single woman on the lookout for a single heterosexual man, those people would be of no use to me :-)

Violet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Apparently lots of people with dentures buy baby food, so some company thought they'd make gourmet food for denture wearers... but it never took off, cos at least with baby food the buyers could pretend to the checkout person (and anyone else checking out their purchases) that it was for their grandchildren.

My first boyfriend said when he got to my place from the supermarket that the checkout chick sniggered... his purchases? steak, wine and condoms.

Violet said...

editter: how rude - she should've at least wished him luck.

Anonymous said...

I never have time to look -- I'm too busy prying candy out of my kids hands, and looking in my purse for my cash!

Violet said...

susiej: I'll be like that soon. TLM already hates being harnessed into the shopping trolley sometimes...