Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Once again, I'm at home enjoying my TLM-free leisure time.

I think one of the secrets to truly enjoying your child-free time is to somehow avoid counting down the minutes to when you'll have to go back to the daycare centre to pick her up again. And another is to stop pressuring yourself to make the most of the free time, and just exist in the blissful knowledge that you are alone for a change.

The first couple of hours were spent trying to decide whether to go for a swim or walk, then going for a walk and wishing I'd chosen the other option. The rest of the time, I've spent reading and writing emails whilst checking the clock at the bottom right corner of the desktop. Sixteen minutes until yoghurt time, thirty-one minutes until TLM-pickup time. Thirty-two minutes until big-toothy-TLM-grin time.


LK said...

Glad you're enjoying your free time, I gather TLM is happy enough to settle at daycare now?

I'm like you in that I will take hours to decide what to do and if I'd been really clever I would've just done one and then still had time to do the other. Gonna go for a walk now, or maybe a swim in the sea...

Angela said...

Sometimes it is better to be told what to do

Unknown said...

Why any amount of minutes until yoghurt time?

Violet said...

leo: TLM still cries when I leave, but the daycarers distract her by letting her play with their CD player. Those cries sure are tragic though.

angela: Oh I know!

emma: because at this place, yoghurt time is generally at midday and is synonymous with lunchtime.

flying kiwi said...

I wondered about the yoghurt time too. I'm glad Emma asked.

Just think, in a few years' time you'll be clock watching wondering when she's going to come home and who she's with and whether she's been drinking... Probably best just to implant the tracking device now.

Violet said...

flying kiwi: I can totally see the logic behind implanting tracking devices in one's offspring. If she asks about it when she's older, I could just say it's the result of an alien abduction or something...