Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bug update

What The Little Madam has sounds like ursinia, but it's not ursinia because accoring to the Internet it's a flower. TLM loves flowers, but they don't make her poo.

Apparently this particular bacterium is a notifiable one. I received a call from the public health people and had to answer lots of questions about whether TLM had been in recent contact with sick kids or sick kids' poo (not if I can help it), that kind of thing.

So on the one hand it's a good thing that it's almost Christmas, because playgroups are finished for the next couple of months and she's not allowed to attend those until she's experienced at least two full days of healthy poo. On the other hand it's bad because now she's on antibiotics so she's not allowed to drink alcohol (just kidding - I'm sure her tolerance is even lower than mine).


mad muthas said...

hope she's much better soon. and merry christmas to you all!

Violet said...

I'm sure she will be. Merry Christmas to you too!

Anonymous said...

I think you mean Yersinia, but not pestis!

Avery's mom said...

she cant drink her liquor now? but how will you ever get to sleep? :0

Violet said...

anonymous stranger: yeah that's the one. It wasn't until I received the information sheet from the city council, that I found out how it was spelt!

avery's mom: sleep? who said anything about TLM sleeping? ;-) Believe me, I tried the brandy-filtered-into-breastmilk thing, and it didn't work. Mind you, I never tried it straight down her throat...