It's supposed to be a Libran characteristic to swing from one extreme to another (thereby achieving balance overall), and I wonder whether this explains why I splash out on $360 boots one day, but will refrain from buying a beautiful bit of fabric at $12 per metre; why I spent a couple of hundred bucks on concert tickets to David Byrne for the boy last Christmas, but this year am thinking of just getting him a joke apron.
The boy often tut-tuts me if we are out shopping together and I can't decide whether I want something badly enough to actually buy it. But I reckon such indecisive behaviour has probably save us tons of money over the years (making up for when I have cost us tons of money...).
Anyway, we have started the ball rolling on the getting of Christmas gifts for TLM - I got her several tubes of acrylic paints so that she can colour her skin and clothes...and maybe make a few marks on paper while she's at it. I plan to decorate a box to put them in (she loves containers), so she will always have a nice container for her painting gear.
Does anyone know how to paint a fairy?
I do that a lot as well. Will Happily pay big money for concert tickets but squirm at parting with ten bucks for a pair of jandals. Dunno what it is..
As for fairies, just get her to do her best girl drawing and then go crazy on painting gorgeous butterfly wings behind her. I'll bet she comes up with a stunning fairy drawing.
Just sounds like prioritization to me... I only buy name brand goods for a few certain things, and the rest is negotiable. And I also just dropped a gob on a pair of new shoes, but haven't done so in 3 years... and I have bought very few clothes and fabric and other shoes during that time, so... I am OK with it. And I'm not a Libra, BTW. ;)
I've actually wandered back into Christmasland a little bit.
Not sure how I feel about that but there I was buying gifts anyway the other day.
Perhaps three years off was enough.
That sounds a lot like Ray (who is Libran). We have started Christmas shopping too and are buying all our gifts online this year! We're so 2009!
Yeah I really must get into buying online. It means getting more organised, since you have to factor in delivery time. But at least you don't have to crawl around the streets like 90% of the rest of the population...
I do that too. Thank heavens I have figured it out. I hide the cards when I get feeling that way
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