Thursday, September 18, 2008

My latest ear worm

Lately I've been hooked by a new Nintendo DS game called Picross (so that's two computer-y games I've enjoyed so far since they were invented). And because I'd spent about 3 full days out of the last week, home sick with nothing else to do, probably about half of those waking hours were wasted on Picross.

Last night, the jazzy ditty that plays on a loop during the game, was spinning around and around in my head. Every time I woke up, dry-mouthed and coughing, it was that damned ditty I heard. I even had dreams of little crosses and blue squares running up and down a glowing grid.

But I like to think that it's one of those things that'll keep my brain cells from shrinking.


Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal

Watson Woodworth said...

Video game music is totally insidious!
Once a guy gave me a CD with things like Nine Inch Nails songs played entirely out of video game samples.

Amanda said...

Dreaming about a game is a sign you have been playing it a lot/ I remember when I was addicted to the Sims dreaming in Sim which is the gibberish language the little people speak.

Feel better soon!

BTodger said...

Slowly but surely she becomes a gamer...

Oh and Sims 3 is out soon and looks to be oh so much harder to leave.

Violet said...

anastacio: well, hello sailor : -)

nigel: Sounds pretty damned catchy to me!

mtnw: I s'ppose it's a bit like Trekkies dreaming in Klingon or something - though I probably wouldn't confess to that, if it were me...

btodger: you're a game pusher you are!

aprilbapryll said...

I used to be addicted to Sims, but not so much since Sims 2 came out. All of a sudden I realized how much time I was wasting. I did spend a lot of time playing Oblivion, but that was before my son was born. Lately my poison of choice is the Wii ... I just need to start doing the Wii Fit a little more!

Violet said...

aprilbaypryll: we've got the Wii sports, but we seem to be too slack to play them...