Sunday, October 31, 2004

More of the usual

Emotional torture
Today I spent a whopping 5 1/2 hours doing daughter-ly duties. That's two hours shopping at the market (including one hour of my mother telling me what was wrong with me), one hour at the cemetary and another half hour at the supermarket. I settled down after I got home and went for a long walk up the hill and back, but it's days like these which make me consider telling the boy to get a job in Seattle.

Yeh-yeh's garden
My brother and my nephew came along to the cemetary to do the ancestor-worship thing; my nephew calls it "going to Yeh-yeh's garden" (or "going to grandfather's garden"). I think it's a cute euphemism, since it's essentially what we're doing. We go to the grave, we replace the dried up flowers from last time with a fresh bunch, and we kow-tow.

Angel revisited
We bought Season One of Angel yesterday, and watched the first half of it last night. I'm enjoying it the second time around heaps more than when I first watched it.


Amanda said...

I read some trashy chicklit this weekend- a book called the Cupid Effect- the only point of interest was that the heroine was obsessed with Angel, constantly rewatching it, and thought she was going to marry him. In the end she did end up with someone called Angel. It suprised me to see the extent that Buffy fandom has now permeated the culture. She was also a huge Star Trek fan

Violet said...

I'm a fan of both Star Trek and the Buffyverse, and I reckon Buffy fandom will eventually far outstrip Star Trek; it has a greater capacity for inspiring even academics to think about it critically. Did you know the show got me into philosophyy?!