Sunday, November 03, 2019

In which TLM wins a school prize

We had not planned to go to TLMs school prizegiving, unless she was getting a prize. As far as we knew, she wasn't getting one. And TLM was pleased to get most of the day off school on rehearsal day.

Then, I got a text from TLM with - teary eye emoji - saying that actually she did won a prize and wouldnt get that day off after all.

So of course I was motivated to attend the school prize giving  now. I was even wondering whether I would draw disapproving looks if I whooped it up when her name got called out.

But in the end we could not get tickets to attend, because this year the venue that was not to large enough to accommodate the parents of all the prize winners.

Then I had the teary eye emoji...😥

It was only after I arrived to pick TLM up to bring her home (at 10pm!!) that I found out what the prize was for - science 😊.


Pollyanna_H said...

Congratulations, to the little ma'am and the supporting whanau!

swirl-vc said...
