Saturday, January 29, 2011

pedestrians who don't look when crossing the street

There's been a bit of kerfuffle over the number of pedestrians who've been hit by buses since Manners St was changed from a one-way to a two-way street.

The street is well-served by traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, and buses aren't exactly hard to see.

So my conclusion is this - it's the gods' way of punishing jay-walkers.


Anonymous said...

It's interesting isn't it - it seems to be a bit of a Melbourne thing, but cars here tend to stop and wave you across the street whenever you're waiting to cross. Well, 9/10 times. Unfortunately 1/10 time that they don't is the one where you almost get run over cause you assume they'll stop and they don't. Well, I never do (cause I'm Mrs Road Safety) but I've seen people almost get wiped out on a fairly regular basis. I"m sure people don't do it in NZ though. I've had the discussion many times about whether or not cars have to give way to pedestrians or vice versa, but I don't really have a lot of sympathy for people that walk out in front of a car (or bus) either. And I'm gobsmacked by people who do it with a pram (clearly with a child inside!).

Violet said...

I almost never jay-walk when my daughter's with me. But that might be because she can't yet run as quickly as I can...

Sage said...

I blame being plugged in (texting with headphones in) while walking.

Violet said...

Sage: yeah that would do it too:-)