Sunday, June 09, 2013

Time on our backsides

You've probably read the news stories about how a sedentary lifestyle can be lethal - that is, even if you go to the gym religiously, the more time you spend sitting, the earlier you'll die.

The first time I read about this, I was on my lunch break. I spent the following hour bent over my workstation, trying to type whilst standing. Then my lower back started to ache, so I had to sit down.

Well, I've spent the better part of the last three days on my bum, all because TLM is sick with a constant cough and a forehead you could fry an egg on (but she wouldn't eat it because she doesn't like egg). She's been on her bum all that time too, except during those moments when she felt well enough to leap about like a well child. And the boy - he seems to have caught the lurgy, so is spending more time that usual saving the world through computer gaming.

I haven't actually minded this relative inactivity, because it's allowed me lots of knitting time - which I've needed, because I'm trying to knit a dress and have already ripped it back from hip to armpit TWICE after realising my sizing was overly optimistic. And I would really like to be able to wear it while it's still cold enough to.

I did go to yesterday's World Knitting In Public Day event, where there was a small but friendly group of knitters including a visitor from Cape Town and an art history professor from Idaho.


Anonymous said...

I spend too much time sitting down too, except it seems to be the wrong sort of sitting down.

Some time sitting down knitting would be nice... you're lucky you got to knit while the little one is sick. Mine has got me spending the entire weekend in the kitchen knocking up soft foods he can eat because his wisdom teeth came out last week. ._.

Violet said...

wow - really? Did they come out naturally or surgically? I lost mine surgically in adulthood and had to mash my own damn food ;-)

Anonymous said...

Violet you've started kitting yourself dresses. Isn't that a sign that it's all over anyway?

Violet said...

donnasoowho: If my body was similar to the Vogue model wearing that dress in the magazine, you'd see just who wrong you were!