Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Seems it never rains in southern North Island...

So we are in the midst of a drought which has hit the whole of the North Island, and even where we live which is normally never short of water.

How liberating to be able to hang your clothes up on the line, knowing for certain that they will be nice and dry when I get back from work (and not damp from an unexpected downpour). How nice it would be if we were barbequing types, because we'd be able to organise an outdoor social event knowing we won't end up shelter in a bus stop instead.

But it's a bit difficult to fully enjoy the beautiful sunny weather, because there's a drought on. That means everyone's garden is brown and dusty (unless they've got one of those rain water tanks, or are organised enough to use pre-shower water or grey water on their gardens).  I feel I should be hoping for lots of rain, so that our farmers and growers don't go out of business (since they are apparently the backbone of the NZ economy).

But - hey! At least our local tourism industry is flourishing, because Kiwi families all over the country can go camping - and not have to pack up after 5 days of "unseasonal" rain and gale force winds.

And we are going away too, for part of the Easter the beach!


Anonymous said...

You know that it's going to rain on your Easter holiday now don't you? Are you going anywhere exciting?

Amanda said...

Yes, I am sad about the drought, of course, but woo hoo to having an actual summer lasting a couple of months rather than a couple of days!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could give you guys some of our rain. Garden equals swamp...

Violet said...

amanda: you said it sista!
donnasoowho:if it doesn't rain, we get to enjoy our weekend. If it does rain, then the drought is lessened. so it's a win-win!