Monday, February 07, 2005


Tonight's is my last class, maybe even my last ever class if I don't get enthused about re-starting the study next year. All the same, I still have a ton of really boring readings, full of unfeasibly large words, to get through before it's really over and I can truly call my workless days free. There's also the very last assignment to finish and hand in on Wednesday night.

And that is why I've spent last night and today watching Fahrenheit 9/11 (especially depressing to watch post-Bush's re-election), vacuuming, reading a glossy women's magazine, finishing a Buffy novel (The wisdom of war - a good read if you're a Buffy fan), reading blogs and walking around like I've got a hangover (I haven't of course - I'm just groggy from the heat'n'humidity).

The boy told me that your brain shrinks in pregnancy because your body's energy is going straight to the baby. This explains an awful lot.


Frally said...

You will find the brain-shrinkage thing a GREAT excuse when you do something idiotic, as I do ALL THE TIME. I still use it now, even though my youngest is nearly 1 year old. My brain never grew back.

Amanda said...

In my last few weeks of pregnancy I spent all day lying on the couch watching eTV especially the Anna Nicole Show. Sometime I also watched trashy dating programs like the Third Wheel. I don't actually remember reading anything at all-not even stuff on the internet- and I think its very likely watching tv was all I actually did.

Violet said...

Frally: it sure would work better for me than claiming to have a 'blonde' moment.

Make Tea: That's quite an extreme isn't it? But obviously in your case the brain grew back to its normal size eventually.

Amanda said...

actually I don't think my memory is what it used to be. It might be that I've got more to reme...what was I saying??

Violet said...

Well my memory has never been the way it used to be...