Last night I had a good look at the maternity clothes which my brother's partner had saved up for me. Some of it looked pretty promising, but the shorts were depressingly large - depressing because she seemed so sure I'd actually fit into them one day. Well it looks like I'm going to be okay for really big shirts and skirts, though the search for suitable swimwear continues. Next week I'll have a look at K-Mart and see if I can't get something large in lycra.
Whilst waiting for the boy to finish browsing in the computer games shop, I had a look in the nearby bookshop and chanced upon something I thought I'd never see - a magazine called Cosmopolitan Pregnancy. Along with the week-by-week gestation countdown and beauty tips to go with "the glow", there were a lots of pages of fashion. It was just like the normal Cosmo, but without the sex tips (I guess it's assumed you must be getting some already).
Since Jon brought up the question of a name for the bun in my oven, I've been thinking about boys' and girls' names. I quite like "Lilith" if it's a girl, though it wouldn't exactly roll off my mother's tongue (or that of anyone else who can only pronounce English with a strong Cantonese accent). The boy likes tree names like "Willow" and "Rowan", because to him trees have a magical meaning. (I supposed that "Pohutokawa" and "Cabbabge Tree" would be out of the question, and I was right.) As for boys' names, we couldn't agree on a single one (sorry Jon).
A friend of mine sent me the link to a page which has some truly fascinating (yet somehow extremely unappealing) names, here. Perhaps it can be viewed as a list of name to be avoided like the proverbial plague.
If it's a boy and you name him Willow, he will be beaten up every day at school. Here's my list of boys names that I like:
Alexander, or at least Alex
Lucius (yeah, I'm weird)
James (I used to love 'James and the Giant Peach')
Otto (I guess I'm really weird)
And you can't really go wrong with David, Michael, John, Jonathan (and you get the nickname Jon, hint hint)
I also kind of like the German name Helmut, but I would never name anyone that ;)
If your worried about your bub having too popular a name, check out this:
Baby Name Wizard
___For girls I partial to
Alice(even with my Canadian accent)
Imelda(for the sake of any kid I had better hurry up and name a cat this one)
Montsurrat(this may be why I'm single)
___For boys
Seamus(my two cats are Seamus Patel and William the Furry)
Liam(William truly is the Mohamed of christian names)
Gordon(Wont be easy being my kid)
Thanks for the suggestions! Just as long as I don't end up resorting to names of fruit and cities...
Hi! Just came from Frally's blog site...and she sent me here!
Love your name search...I can remember naming my kids... The first one was the hardest, but we finally agreed. After that it was easier. I always like to look up the meaning of the name I was considering...made me change my mind about a few!
Enjoyed visiting your blog! Cheers.
Cabbage Tree - that's almost as good as Meandering Rivulet.
(pssst Violet, it's me, Rachel - I finally caved in and started a blog today - and you're in the very first post!)
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